I love good deals on assorted merchandise and alcoholic beverages. Since it'll be cold as shit this weekend, why not stay local and get your butt to Dekalb Avenue in Fort Greene (from Ashland to Vanderbilt), where Barack Obama = discounts and even free stuff all along the way to the White House. This starts tomorrow and ends on the night of inauguration on the 20th, which I'm sure will start the constant headache in Obama's head and possibly see some conception action with several couples in the neighborhood.
Oh and this "event" (more like week-long binge) is happening on Facebook here. Not that anyone is counting, but show love anyway and pretentiously tell people that you'll be there like I did.
You really don't want to miss some of these deals, there's two for 1 drink specials, affordable restaurant prix fixes, discounts on merchandise, and on the night of the inauguration, places to watch history happen for the forty-something'th time. There are 29 businesses participating, and the full list (with locations and their specials) can be seen at this link here. It's a PDF, so your computer will undoubtably slow for a second.
I have an idea where my Saturday afternoon into evening will be spent, and then walk home easily schnockered.
From the Facebook invite:
Obama-inspired special menus, drinks, discounts and other offers.
Friday, January 16-Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Brooklyn, NY-January 8, 2009 Twenty-eight restaurants, cafes, boutiques and retail
stores of the Dekalb Avenue Merchants' Association in Fort Greene, (a Brooklyn
neighborhood long known for its multi-cultural diversity) invite you to "Celebrate the
Inauguration on Dekalb" and continue the electrifying celebration that began in the streets
on election night and continues right through Inauguration Weekend, Friday, January 16-
Tuesday, January 20, 2009.
Participating Dekalb Avenue businesses will be offering discounts, coupons, reduced-
price prix-fixe menus, drink specials, vouchers for discounts on return visits or 2-for-1
specials all weekend long. Plus on the day of the Inauguration, locations with big screen
TVs will be opening early to broadcast the ceremony and will have live music, DJs and even
more specials throughout the day.
The list of participating merchants and their offers include... 20% discounts to celebrate
the 20th of January, 2009... 44% discounts to celebrate the Inauguration of our 44th
President... special menu creations reflecting President-elect Obama's multi-cultural
background... plus coupons, vouchers and other special offers.
ALSO: "Obama" posters created by students at Dekalb Avenue's Ronald Edmonds Learning
Center, Middle School 113, will be exhibited in windows up and down Dekalb during the
celebration weekend. Come see the work of these young artists who have been so
profoundly inspired. Plus students from the school's Academy of Performing Arts Choir
and Band will be performing at select locations on Inauguration Day.
This event re-launches the Dekalb Avenue Merchants' Association (DAM). The Association
covers Dekalb Avenue from Washington Avenue to Ashland Place, plus businesses on
intersecting side streets. The association is about businesses working together on issues
of mutual interest, connecting with the community and promoting this vibrant strip in the
heart of one of Brooklyn's great neighborhoods."
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