Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our Ecstatic Neighbors at Toren Are So Ecstatic, Like, Totally

Curbed has a little ditty about a Toren microsite that has some truly useless video footage that would probably make me not consider the pristine, Transformers-looking building after a while just based on the level of obnoxiousness in some of the segments.

Not quite as inconvenient as the Oro, and now with a schmancy new grocery store coming soon which for all intensive purposes could bring more rats to an area already plagued by the construction on Willoughby, it's on the east side of Flatbush a couple blocks away from me and I've been hearing about it for years now. It's that big ass mirror coming out of the north side of Dekalb QBMR station.

Anywho, back to this microsite that someone thought was clever marketing but just not executed quite so well. The Curbed article points out the probable highlight, this woman Val who obviously isn't ready to see the bigger picture, and has a reader who suggests a drinking game out of it. Now after a while it would get stale, but if you need a quick reason (and plenty of shots) to pre-game before you go out to Perks or Kevin Barry's to get your groove on (or just stumble around Flatbush) it could be worth it.

My other favorite is "The Gym Equipment". There's nice equipment, but the video was taken pretty poorly, and if you're marketing this from a layman's perspective, the last thing I want is some woman not in workout clothes not knowing how to use the machines. Although anyone would probably balk at the weird looking cable stations.

Sure, it looks like a nice building. Just don't have cast offs from MTV's Made as your building reps.

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