Also, speaking of Project Runway and it's return on August 20th to their new home at Lifetime of excruciating melodrama, our resident film critic, Chris Cabin (who will have a brand spankin new review very soon) bears the mark of one Chris March, fashion designer extraordinaire from the show's 4th season.

Oh and before we forget, our resident screenwriting mastah The Sasquatch Szyzska certainly has some similarities to one of our favorite directors, Christopher Nolan. He's not doing anything right now because he's filthy rich from The Dark Knight, but always newsworthy.

The recently wedded Pat Craig also gets a nod for most looking like Chris O'Donnell. For everyone who thinks he looks like Elijah Wood, obviously they haven't been thinking about Chris O'Donnell lately. Nobody has.

I look like every awesome and not awesome Asian actor so I won't bother you with those comparisons. However, my friend at Cinephile New York/All Ears All Eyes All The Time has been accosted as Jack Black. Sometimes Zack Galifianakis (but only because the beard hides the differences). Kind of reminds me of the time I mistook Ed Helms for Stephen Colbert at the IFC Center ("I love your work on Harvey Birdman"). I felt much better when as I was fumbling through an apology while interrupting his conversation with a lovely young woman, another woman was leaving and said to him, "it was so nice to meet you Mr. Colbert." I felt much better knowing I wasn't the only asshole.

What concert was that you say? Au Revoir Simone at Webster Hall in '07. I built it up in my head that it was going to be awesome. Guess what didn't happen? Awesomeness.
I think Pat looks a bazillion times more like Elijah Wood. Come on!
I will give you that Chelsea, I didn't see it before as much but now I do. The eyes are kind of different...
Also, I've never seen the Jack Black thing, but damn.
I wish I looked like Nolan... And he's actually doing Inception right now and the next Batman is announced to start production next year (dunno if with Nolan, but probably.)
That is not jack black, it is a friend of mine.....who also looks like jack. even you were fooled.
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