Pacific Standard
82 Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217
There has been many a good time had at Pacific Standard in the two years it's been around. A product of, you guessed it, West Coast thinking, half of the credit can go toward Jon Stan, formerly of one of my favorite spots of all time, The Spotted Pig. Yes, they enjoy West Coast teams on the projection screens as well as their ever changing list of brews that will certainly put you on your patoot very, very quickly. A lot of the brews are not for the faint of heart, and as a fan of dark, full bodied ales this is a place to park.
PS is quite well lit, making it very welcoming and a good companion to the other great bar on the block, 4th Avenue Pub. It's clean, with light wood stylings and a separate back library filled with books, some tables, couches, a projection screen, pub quizes, and often times, readings. You can play board games or indulge in the bathroom. There's nothing special about the bathrooms, but I have been walked in on and embarrassment was an understatement considering I actually went into the subway station only to come out because I wouldn't make it. At all. That's another thing: it's two blocks from the Pacific side of the Atlantic-Pacific stop which makes it an easy choice for most train lines and certainly has plenty of seating up front and a laid back vibe filled with cheer. And beer. I remember meeting Mandy, who is the sister of the roommate of John, the other brainchild behind this. She worked at a post-production house that specialized in wedding videos I believe. It was a fun conversation I had with her and Christopher Cabin, our resident film critic.
Anywho, throw in the cheese and meats and you have the makings of a hilarious night right? WRONG. There's so much more. 3 more, in fact. 3 more facts, in fact.
This is the only bar in Brooklyn that I can think of that does a
Frequent Drinkers Program. There are some awesome prizes, as well as some hilarious obstacles to overcome.
They purport, and it's been in the works since the opening, of a
drinking robot that will challenge you, or your friends if you don't like challenges. I've been waiting for a few blue moons, but alas no word has come across my ears that has relieved my anticipation.
Last but not least, you can purchase a growler (a half gallon jug, it's awesome). You're going to want one, really. Especially since walking down 4th Ave. can be somber. You purchase a growler and fill it up with a nice brew (or for 10 "yards" on the Frequent Drinkers program you can get the crap overflow from all the beers in the drain) and take a walk outside and possibly extract a few sips. I've found walking from Pacific Standard to Union Hall on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon is absolutely wonderful. Bring back the growler each time for another refill of goodness. You'll get a slight discount, but no discounts on the amount of happiness achieved.

For more on PS, go to their
official site where they have their weekly schedule up.