Today's Chris Cab-tion contest brings extra joy, because I have a pair of Yo La Tengo tickets to give away for their show on Friday 9/25 at Roseland Ballroom courtesy of Live Nation. The tickets will be at will call, so no worries about needed the stub to hold on to your memories. The concert starts at 8pm but make sure to always call beforehand to get set times, so you can arrive when you want to arrive, which is almost always fashionably late, right? There are NO Hanukkah shows this year for YLT so you're going to want to celebrate early, not late this time.
The concert includes:
Yo La Tengo with The Black Lips (always get them and The Black Keys mixed up)
Yo La Tengo has been around for a loooong time and with such a large catalog you won't be disappointed. Although I'm not a Mets fan per se, I can dig it. There has been contemporary dance set to their music. That's how awesome. If you can't appreciate contemporary dance, well then you go right out there and get to a BAM performance. I'm not sure why I'm sounding so indignant, but a little energy never hurts. Newest video here (from The Music Slut):
If you don't think you're going to win because you're not witty enough, AND you like Yo La Tengo that much (and don't visit Hoboken often) you might want to pick up tickets here.
Here is your time to shine folks. Comment below and I will choose a winner next Tuesday Sept. 22nd (sorry folks, a couple of late entries extended the contest) from the entries:

Chris: oh, i would yo la tengo that!
Distracted by a new hole awaiting his balls, Chris throws the game and caution to the wind when he takes himself a lover.
Chris calls his shot on the "11th cup"
you're a philanthropist
Right testicle. Corner asshole.
If I get it in his butt, I'll have to use another ping pong ball going forward. We don't have any more ping pong balls.
Hmm...I have a dart just for this occasion
After Chris made two shots in a row, his opponent realized that the "ass" distraction was useless. He then switched to a different distraction strategy, "Hey Chris, I ever tell you that my favorite movie is The Transporter?"
Chris went on to lose that game.
As Tommy bent over to retrieve his fallen cup, Bill decided to give the name "Bowling for Colon-bine" new meaning.
The ass-distraction tactic backfired when Chris' ensuing erection proved far more distracting.
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